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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The many names of the rough vision sketch

Every deliberate artwork starts with a vision - and a sketch that captures it. I call it the "Proof of Concept", or POC for short(*). Different mediums have different names for the POC:

In writing of all sorts, the POC is called outline.
In film-making, the POC is called videoboard animatic.
In sculpting and architecture, the POC is called maquette.
In song-writing, the POC is called demo recording.
In game design, the POC is called mock-up level.
In web design, the POC is called wireframe.

All these names tell the same story, give the same advice, and represent the same tool: a quick sketch that captures our vision and enables us to test it, discuss it, judge it, and refer to it throughout our work.
(*) Help me get this right!

Is "Proof of Concept" really the best name for this tool? I'm not sure. I'm looking for a name that's catchy and easy to use, that isn't too identified with a specific medium, and that reflects what the vision sketch is - a quick yet clear version of the finished work. I've been thinking about several options, which one do you think works best? Also, feel free to suggest your own.

  • The Proof of Concept
  • The premake (this one is a good candidate, I think).
  • The vision sketch
  • The model
  • The guide
Waiting for your input . . . .


  1. well, the people around me, including myself have been using "Proof of Concept" ever since we heard it from you (which is a few years by now)
    and its very accurate in most cases. so I am for Proof of Concept.

  2. Thanks Anat! That brings us to a total of 2 for POC, 0 for everything else :) let's wait and see...

  3. i like the "premake" option cause the word has a ring to it, but "proof of concept" is much clearer and self explanatory. so i also vote for that.

    also, LOVE the tarzan videoboard, and that scene. that scene is total win. :)

  4. Thanks Happy Satan :-)
    BTW: I'm wondering if the post succeeds in demonstrating the similarity in the process between the mediums. Any thoughts?

  5. I thought it was the main thing it did. Show how the process in all sorts of mediums gets to a point that you would stop to crit your vision and better it.
    So if you ask me... i think it did... which you are in a way, so Yes. :)

  6. I've never heard the term "videoboard" before - I would usually refer to that as an "animatic" or, if it's a quite detailed animation, a "pre-viz" (pre-visualisation)... I'm from the UK so maybe it's a US term...

  7. Hey Robin,

    "Videoboard" is just another name for "Animatic". I just searched in Google and was surprised to find that such a definition doesn't appear there. Maybe it's something someone in Israel invented? You have to admit the name make more sense than "animatic"... Anyway we're talking about the same things. Will update the post, thanks for calling my attention!
