[From "The Art of Art": About the Book > Getting Results]
Names are powerful things. Attaching words to our ideas allows us to analyze our work, give and receive criticism, and learn. A word can turn an abstract thought into a practical working tool.
Names are powerful things. Attaching words to our ideas allows us to analyze our work, give and receive criticism, and learn. A word can turn an abstract thought into a practical working tool.
Throughout the blog, I've painted keywords in this color. These are usually hyperlinks and will take you straight to a short explanation from the list below.
Within the list, clicking on a keyword will send you back to the blog, showing you only posts tagged with that keyword.
The key words
Proof of Concept: a quick sketch (2-3 hours at the most) designed to capture our vision for the work, allow us to test it in context and recieve feedback, and then serve as a constant guide throughout the execution stage. Not to be confused with blocking, which is part of the execution stage and may take much longer.
Casual Art: a quick and painless work of art done for pure pleasure, with no demand for quality and no specific result in mind.
Deliberate Art: a conscious, planned artistic effort, with sepcific requirements for content and qulity level.
Vision Stage: the artist forms a detailed experience of the finished work in his mind's eye - and quickly captures it in a quick sketch called Proof of Concept.
Execution Stage: with a solid vision in mind and a Proof of Concept sketch as a beacon, the artist is well equipped to start working in passes toward his vision.
Working in Passes: advancing our work one step at a time towards the vision. Every step must be simple, fast, and advance the entire work - not just a small part of it.
Blocking: the first stage of work, typically used for structuring or "selling" the idea of the work. Not to be confused with the Proof of Concept tool, which is not part of the exectution but part of the planning.
Fleshing: adding "flesh" to the bare bones of the blocking stage, developing it to something very close to the finished result, but not yet refined and textured.
Detailing: the final stage of the work, in which we adde texture and fine details to the work, as well as fix minor mistakes.
Detailing: the final stage of the work, in which we add texture and fine details to the work, as well as fix minor mistakes.
Chunking: breaking a big or complex work of art to smaller, more managable parts.